Monday, October 23, 2006

not patronizing today

Doc's appt- same as 2 yrs ago- its sooo humiliating going to the doc, being judged by the cover- obese = poor (YOU HAVEN'T BEEN HERE IN TWO YEARS, COULDN'T AFFORD IT?) and stupid, having to weigh- like I don't know I'm obese...

Anyhow.. it was different- maybe because it was earlier in the day? maybe because instead of a simple brown dress, I was dressed in a colorful shalwar kameez ? maybe because I'd been exhibiting gastroparesis the past few weeks...

went through the rigamarole to get my refills, and mentioned the jaw pain- -been forever that way 8 yrs? SOB, duh obese - always SOB w/ walking, occ. jaw pain.. chalked it up to fat, anemia- esp. noticable after a heavy period.

abnormal EKG (left ventricular hypertrophy, reeeeaal generic abno.) wanted a stress test... no. .. I'll pass until I get older/worse...


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