Friday, June 10, 2011

Leah D. Carson & Teresa Bassett, fucking heroes!!

Their mistake is in thinking that ICE and law enforcement is INTERESTED in ENFORCING immigration law. If they were, it would be REQUIRED to report suspected ILLEGALS enrolling their little vermin in federally funded SCHOOLS and coming to federally funded HOSPITALS to have their anchor babies (as soon as they can bleed, they breed their guaranteed stay in america baby + back-ups).

These vermin use our services, steal from people (schools, public housing, welfare, medical care etc, etc. etc.) and are PROTECTED by so-called AUTHORITIES instead of being rounded up arrested and sent back to Mexico (yeah, its mostly mexico- but american authorities will spend 2 yrs and millions to catch 30 chinese rest. workers- not even 2 dollars to catch 12 million, many of whom have the arrogance to march in the streets in protests ---what a FUCKED UP COUNTRY we live in).

I wish a mob would rise up and slaughter these so-called officials who protect the vermin instead of getting rid of them. I'd give a little hand-clap.

They sent the list to ICE - who is NOT interested in enforcing immigration laws in any shape or form.

I have a theory its all about keeping the stress on americans via competition for the remaining low wage jobs, lowering the quality of life in our neighborhoods, the quality of education in our schools, and increasing the divide between rich/poor and taking out the middle class (ie turning them into the working poor) to keep in control- plus its automatically democrat voters being pushed out of their vaginas.

Probation for former Utah employees who made ‘the list’
This is the letter included in a mailing of a list senders said names more than 1,300 undocumented immigrants. Law enforcement agencies and media organizations received the list, as well as a copy of a second letter senders said went to immigration officials in April

Midvale • Latino advocates on Monday condemned a deal that allowed two former state workers accused of compiling and distributing a list of allegedly undocumented immigrants to be charged, enter pleas, and sentenced on Monday.

Neither Leah D. Carson, 39, or Teresa Bassett, 59, will go to jail.

Carson pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and was given 12 months of probation and a $440 fine. Bassett entered an Alford plea in which she maintained her innocence but acknowledged prosecutors had enough evidence to convict her of two felonies. A judge sentenced Bassett to 36 months of probation and 250 hours of community service.

“She believes this was done by someone else and the evidence pointed to her,” said Bassett’s attorney, Loni DeLand, during her court hearing.

Tony Yapias, Frank Cordova and Archie Archuleta, who lead various Latino organizations, held a Monday afternoon news conference to criticize the resolutions. They said Bassett, at least, should have received jail time.

“What this says to future individual case workers for the state is if you release names, you will be tapped on the finger; not even slapped on the wrist,” said Yapias, director of Proyecto Latino de Utah.


well here, I just want to spit- on this parasite advocating bitch


“There is no justice for a person of color,” said Cordova, president of Centro Civico Mexicano.

Assistant Utah Attorney General Scott Reed, who prosecuted both cases, defended the outcomes and pointed out neither woman was accused of violence or stealing money. He said the expedited court proceedings, reached as part of an agreement with the defendants, were meant to avoid protests from both supporters and detractors of what has become known as “The List.”


Monday’s hearings brought an abrupt end to an episode that drew national attention and outrage from both sides of the immigration debate.Carson and Bassett were state employees at the Division of Workforce Services and, according to prosecutors, compiled a list of applicants for state aid they believed were undocumented immigrants.

Reed on Monday said Carson and Bassett began working together in February 2010 at a state office in Midvale, where they talked and discovered they shared a common “ideology.” Carson began retrieving data on suspected undocumented immigrants and sharing it with Bassett.

When Bassett decided to disseminate the information, Carson “discouraged her” but didn’t take more affirmative steps to stop her, Reed said. Bassett sent the list — 1,300 names with birthdates, addresses, telephone numbers and some Social Security numbers — in July 2010 to law enforcement, government agencies and media outlets.


Who should actually have ACTED on the info and ROUNDED UP ILLEGALS


Advocates for Latinos, Attorney General Mark Shurtleff and Gov. Gary Herbert condemned the list, and Shurtleff and Herbert promised swift action. The president of the Utah Minuteman Project and at least a few citizens who wrote to Herbert supported Bassett and Carson.


gov. gary herbert- fucking traitor- why not issue voting cards to the illegals whose asses he kisses- or how about "SWIFT ACTION" to ROUND UP the fucking ILLEGALS on the LIST!!!


Eli Cawley, president of the Utah Minuteman Project, continued to support Bassett and Carson on Monday, calling them “patriot whistleblowers” who should not have been prosecuted. Cawley also repeated his earlier prediction the case would not go to trial.

“The people who are mongering amnesty will never want discovery in this case,” Cawley said, referring to the legal term for respective sides to disclose the evidence they hold.

Carson was charged with a misdemeanor count of false statement by an unemployment compensation agent. ///huh?///In the Midvale Justice Court, Carson represented herself. ...


About three hours later, Bassett appeared in state court in Salt Lake City on two counts of felony computer crimes. Bassett, who earlier this year legally changed her name to London Grace Wellington, ///ok, that is weird////showed no hint of melancholy and emphatically answered questions from Judge Robert Hilder.


Yapias ///scum/// attended Bassett’s hearing and when it concluded, he approached her in the hallway. He said later he was attempting to ask her why she compiled the list. Yapias said Bassett laughed and told him she was innocent.

At the afternoon press conference, Yapias acknowledged he did not know of anyone having been deported as a result of the list. But Archuleta ///fecal matter female dog/////, president of the Utah Coalition of La Raza ///hey, is there similar for illegals in Mexico? Why'n'cha go down there, bitch//// , said the list made immigrants across the state afraid there would be a “thump on the door and someone to take them away.” ///oh god, yes, let it be so !!////

“You have to understand that fear to understand why we’re so damn pissed,” he said.///you fucking arrogant illegals- you are shitting on our floor and telling us you have a right to, and the libs see the shit on the floor and call it diversity, variety and colorful and you're wrong to be disgusted by it///



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