Monday, January 07, 2013

@RogersNoHelp suspended for parody tweets!

from Google cache: Tweets 9 Dec Thomas Reimer ‏@Toronto_Tom_ All I ask from @RogersHelps is for a cell phone plan that is competitive. Is that being a bad customer? Retweeted by Rogers No Help Expand 9 Dec Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp If the #CRTC bans 3-year contracts then we’ll have to make cuts to our amazing customer service. Expand 3 Dec Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp Just like Kate Middleton, you can also get royally screwed by signing a 3-year wireless contract with us! Expand 3 Dec Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp With Kate Middleton pregnant now is the time sign up for one of our amazing wireless or internet packages, priced for royalty. Expand 30 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp Our customer service builds character, it teaches you that this world isn't fair. We're a lot like world hunger. Expand 30 Nov Jamie Chapman ‏@apuffyshirt Coworker beside me is getting his first taste of dealing with Rogers customer service. He will come back a tougher, more cynical man. Retweeted by Rogers No Help Expand 30 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp Shh it's a Xmas surprise! You're all getting it! "@CodyBrouwers: @RogersHelps I got a huge surprise on my bill this month and am not happy!" Expand 30 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp You have to pay extra for the working ones "@Jessica_Samuels: Dear #Rogers, why is it so difficult to get a working phone from you?!" Expand 29 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp Got a question about your #Rogers product? Try our Community Forums, cause we're tired of dealing with your shit Expand 28 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp It's best to call us 5 times and average out our responses "@pwholman Does anybody at #Rogers even know what they're doing" Expand 28 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp Hopped up out the bed, Turn my swag on, Took a look in the mirror said what's up Yeah I'm getting money, ohhh Expand 27 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp Because we're in the Christmas giving spirit, our $50/month (150MB) cell plan comes with overage charges of $20/GB. Higher bills for all! Expand 27 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp Cause we make a ton of profit lololololol "@LoonieGuy: The most useless service on the planet @RogersHelps WHY DO YOU BOTHER!" Expand 27 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp The new Wii Mini lacks internet connectivity and is #Rogers red to signify that Nintendo cares about internet as much as we do. Expand 25 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp #Rogers tip for #CFL fans: take your daughter's phone away between the 2nd and 3rd quarter, or expect overage charges. #100GC Expand 25 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp @collinjefferies Expect HUGE charges if you're using a Rogers phone in the states. You should just turn it off and use WIFI only. View conversation 25 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp @ellejerome Try a company that won't suck your blood. You've saved money by buying the phone, now look up other carriers. View conversation 25 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp I hope you're watching the Grey Cup, cause if you are then there is a good chance you're paying us! Thank you TSN-exclusivity. #100GC Expand 23 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp It's our favourite tactic “@beninthecity So I called #Rogers to cancel and I can't even do that because ur systems are down? What a joke!" Expand 23 Nov Rogers No Help ‏@RogersNoHelp @mtauschek @rogershelps We're very helpful! Can we offer you a jar of applesauce for your troubles? Pork chop sold separately. View conversation

Sunday, December 23, 2012

immigrants bring down life everywhere they go

mexican trash in the US, muslim garbage in the UK, and rest of Europe. We need to take out the trash.

better in the 70s-80s

just was. no damn immigrants crapping up the country- not just talking US here either. I'm talking about Europe. Jesus, its like a fucking conspiracy to shit on all the decent countries that had freedom and independence by bringing in immigrants who love paternalistic big government to rule over them like children and to lower the standards for all of us so we don't notice the temperature rising.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

remember when govt was trying to get rid of speed trap apps?

that lets you know it (the speed trap) wasn't about safety. what would you do if you KNEW you were coming across a speed trap? slow down of course. stated goal: safety, achieved. so why would the govt object to something that achieves the same goal? because its not their goal. its $$$ they get from tickets

Thursday, November 22, 2012

dr who robots of death

one of my faves, not just leela (one of the best companions) but the great mining ship interior sets, costumes,makeup, (except for the bicycle reflector dead android marker), attention to detail like bruising around Toos' neck from attempted strangulation- in what started out as a kids' show

Professor's Digital Eyewear

Steve Mann, who teaches engineering at the University of Toronto and designs his own high-tech eyegear, says he fled a McDonald’s (MCD) outlet on the Champs Élysées on July 1, after employees tried to knock the device off his head and tore up a note from his doctor explaining why he needed to wear it. His account of the incident, posted on his blog, includes photos of the alleged attack that Mann says were taken by the device’s built-in camera. “They were acting like lunatics,” Mann told Bloomberg Businessweek. ---------------- After reading the article, I still don't know whether he needed it as a visual aid or it was something else. I see where it can be useful though.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

fight 'em - just copy whatever and leave copies at work, restaurants, laundrtmats, libraries...

MAFIAA's 6 strikes graduated response plan goes into action today. Guide to fight the new system. (self.evolutionReddit) submitted 3 months ago* by EquanimousMindTeach The New Blood. Live For Freedom. So rumor is its finally happening: ISP 'Six Strikes' to Begin This Weekend: Throttling, Filters, 'Education' Warnings, and Fun! While it would have been good to stop, for now we need make sure everyone is aware how to counter act it. I actually think torrenting pirating is evil in a communist kind of way; but I also feel people's access to the internet is more important, that we shouldn't be monitored and I fully expect this to be implemented badly. Access to the internet is becoming a basic human right, something you need to maintain equality in social opportunity. It's unjust to break someone's internet access for what is still only a civil offence. The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. John Gilmore So the outfit is going to be called the Center for Copyright Infringement. There are 5 participating ISPs: AT&T Cablevision Comcast Time Warner Cable Verizon Sonic seems a decent alternative. Other than switching ISP, you have these counter strategies: Always use encrypted connections when torrenting, set your client to ONLY use encrypted connections (ssl for example (not actually ssl 1.0 please, TLS 2.0 or better). Which VPN Providers Really Take Anonymity Seriously? How To Make VPNs Even More Secure How to Always / Only Use VPN Connection and block ISP - Make Bittorrent only use VPN Connection /u/wittolboy recommended relakks Free Anonymous Usenet Downloading With Just a Web Browser OneSwarm: The Privacy Aware BitTorrent Client Extensive list of seedbox providers If you have interesting enough friends; Retroshare is an encrypted IM system that allows you to share files. VPS is another solution remix, share, w.e Keep Fighting the Good Fight Everyone!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

views disappeared - 6 or 7..

on a few posts, 3 here and there .. all back to 0

Seasonal flu vaccines increase risk of pandemic H1N1 flu nuff said don't let them force you. worker slaves have no option

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Uk run by Nazis? 'Cuz Freedom of speech is dead there.

Azhar Ahmed, a tasteless Facebook update, and more evidence of Britain's terrifying new censorship Have we got such a debased and demoralised view of freedom that we're now willing to lock up people for posting angry comments on social media “People gassin [venting off] about the deaths of soldiers! What about the innocent familys who have been brutally killed.. The women who have been raped.. The children who have been sliced up..! Your enemy’s were the Taliban not innocent harmless familys. All soldiers should DIE & go to HELL! THE LOWLIFE F*****N SCUM! gotta problem go cry at your soliders grave & wish him hell because that where he is going.” Azhar Ahmed, from Dewsbury, Yorkshire, escaped jail partially because he quickly took down his unpleasant posting and tried to apologise to those he offended. But he will still have to carry out 240 hours community service after he was convicted under section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 for making “grossly offensive comments”. ----- He has a point, if your kid died at the hands of soldiers, you are gonna wish them DEAD. FUCK YOU UK I want to call the grieving mum a bitch, but she's grieving. You NEVER criminalize speech unless its 'FIRE" in a theater or BOMB! in an airport. But opinions. FUCK YOU UK YOU WORTHLESS GOVERNMENT OF COMMUNISTS AND NAZIS Add to it: Man jailed for “despicable” comments about missing April Jones 08 Oct 2012 A man who posted "despicable" comments on his Facebook page about the missing five-year-old April Jones has been jailed for 12 weeks. Matthew Woods, 19, from Chorley, Lancashire, made derogatory posts about April and missing Madeleine McCann Among his comments was: "I woke up this morning in the back of a transit van with two beautiful little girls, I found April in a hopeless place." Another read: "Who in their right mind would abduct a ginger kid?" "I love April Jones" and "Could have just started the greatest Facebook argument ever. April Fools, Who Wants Maddie?" He also wrote comments of a sexually explicit nature about April, who went missing last week from near her home in Machynlleth, mid-Wales. Woods pleaded guilty to sending a message or other matter that is grossly offensive by means of a public electronic communications network. The chairman of the bench, Bill Hudson, said Woods's comments were so serious and "abhorrent" that he deserved the longest sentence they could pass, less a third, to give credit for his early guilty plea. Jesus fucking christ your country deserves to go to hell.(but then so does a lot of the US for its govt run by corporate whores)