Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Uk run by Nazis? 'Cuz Freedom of speech is dead there.

Azhar Ahmed, a tasteless Facebook update, and more evidence of Britain's terrifying new censorship Have we got such a debased and demoralised view of freedom that we're now willing to lock up people for posting angry comments on social media “People gassin [venting off] about the deaths of soldiers! What about the innocent familys who have been brutally killed.. The women who have been raped.. The children who have been sliced up..! Your enemy’s were the Taliban not innocent harmless familys. All soldiers should DIE & go to HELL! THE LOWLIFE F*****N SCUM! gotta problem go cry at your soliders grave & wish him hell because that where he is going.” Azhar Ahmed, from Dewsbury, Yorkshire, escaped jail partially because he quickly took down his unpleasant posting and tried to apologise to those he offended. But he will still have to carry out 240 hours community service after he was convicted under section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 for making “grossly offensive comments”. ----- He has a point, if your kid died at the hands of soldiers, you are gonna wish them DEAD. FUCK YOU UK I want to call the grieving mum a bitch, but she's grieving. You NEVER criminalize speech unless its 'FIRE" in a theater or BOMB! in an airport. But opinions. FUCK YOU UK YOU WORTHLESS GOVERNMENT OF COMMUNISTS AND NAZIS Add to it: Man jailed for “despicable” comments about missing April Jones 08 Oct 2012 A man who posted "despicable" comments on his Facebook page about the missing five-year-old April Jones has been jailed for 12 weeks. Matthew Woods, 19, from Chorley, Lancashire, made derogatory posts about April and missing Madeleine McCann Among his comments was: "I woke up this morning in the back of a transit van with two beautiful little girls, I found April in a hopeless place." Another read: "Who in their right mind would abduct a ginger kid?" "I love April Jones" and "Could have just started the greatest Facebook argument ever. April Fools, Who Wants Maddie?" He also wrote comments of a sexually explicit nature about April, who went missing last week from near her home in Machynlleth, mid-Wales. Woods pleaded guilty to sending a message or other matter that is grossly offensive by means of a public electronic communications network. The chairman of the bench, Bill Hudson, said Woods's comments were so serious and "abhorrent" that he deserved the longest sentence they could pass, less a third, to give credit for his early guilty plea. Jesus fucking christ your country deserves to go to hell.(but then so does a lot of the US for its govt run by corporate whores)


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