Thursday, December 30, 2004

random thought- liberals and gasoline

for some odd reason this week's death and devastation reminded me of when everyone was complaining about the price of gasoline and I thought, shouldn't the liberals be happy- using less fuel, less pollution, more in line with what the third world experiences? connect the dots.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

aww just phuket...

pronounced foo-ket, but I can imagine the less traumatized residents of this Thailand resort area ruminating on the Americanized mispronunciation at present...

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

vioxx, celebrex etc

Big headlines- increases heart attacks..

in sotto voce ' at doses 4x normal'

does anyone ever consider if you are needing that kind of pain relief that the possiblity of heart attack is acceptable?

its a quality of life question that media doesn't seem to get