Monday, January 03, 2005

lifetime detainment for terrorist suspects

I an stunned. I need someone to work out how this is morally justifiable or just to bury my head in the sand and ignore this uncomfortable proposal. Innocent until proven guilty-except with all the caveats of proving someone guilty it can be near impossible with enough money/ or a wily lawyer. I mean you can have a dead body and all the bloody knives in your car trunk, get stopped by the police, get searched and here you are. Except get the stop thrown out and barring any other evidence- you are home free.

It may be reprehensible to many to hold this, but, to the govt. " just do what you need to do and don't tell me about it and don't ask me to sit in judgement."

A lot of people will say they are against torture, but push come to shove if a bomb is in their child's school and the bomber is laughing as he knows they cannot do anything to make him reveal the whereabouts of the bomb, would they feel the same? A friend of the bomber? etc? Life is the higher moral ground? Except... except... except. There are always objections and exceptions one can make.


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