Monday, September 26, 2005

sheehan exploits her son's sacrifice

what she's doing is worse than killing him.

Maybe that is too uncharitable- Is she so much in pain that she was used? Is she on an emotional high from all the adulation of her in-group and the charged atmosphere?

good tp

There is good quality toilet paper in the bathroom- I wonder if an inspection is coming up?

Sunday, September 25, 2005

4 hr GTT on a 4 yr old

There are just things that get my gourd (and where did that expression come from?)- A doc ordered this on a 4 yr old w/ the dx: obesity- Saw the kid- not an really fat kid- 56 lbs if I remember correctly- looked like a 5 y/o, looked normal to me and everyone else in the lab. A sweetie too considered all the nonsense her pediatrician is putting her through.

Bad name alert- Clorece

Irritation: the amount of useless waste- now disposable tornies, what are those needle hubs called?, having internal thermometers in addition to 24/7 temp charts and digital thermometers, and cal-ing them 2x/yr, calling panic values on known pts esp. oncology OPs, H&H Q 6hrs on stable admit for GI bleed, having to print out all results as save 2 yrs- LIS not enough, pages with nothing printed on them in manuals but the words "this page is blank" in italics...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Its depressing

More depressing than the horrible aftermath of Katrina is the media dancing over every body found, every home lost, etc. as an excuse to bash bush. More depressing than the displaced is the whining that the herculean efforsts of EMS, FEMA, aid workers, etc. is too little/ racist/ etc. etc.

Jackson's comments, the Mayor's comments, the criticisms of the people who watched their neighbors raped and did nothing , the shear ungratefulness cuts to the core. Grab the charity of millions in one hand and slap them while insulting them with the other. Honestly I don't want anything I've given going to the man who complains about waiting in line. He should be grateful he's alive to wait and that there is something to wait for

Saturday, September 03, 2005


More hairball


Huge hairball surgically removed from the stomache of a young woman. And yes it is stomache shaped, heavy, about a foot long.