Monday, January 07, 2008

please, someone, kill Jerry Springer

before the aliens decide our broadcasting his TV signals are a declaration of war and kill us all.

I am soooo tired of all the focus on diets

and body image. Everything is diet this and weight that in the news, online intro screens, magazines...

And the comments are soooo mean- fat=stupid, fat= lazy, fat=greasy, fat= unclean, fat= ugly, fat=the only people you can freely insult

fat people. the new second/third class citizens.

fat people. the only ones you can openly discriminate against.

These same people would've been calling black people niggers in the 50s. Evil bastards. I pray for organ failure/ Cancer/ etc. on them and multiple drugs that make them- fat. Or better yet, their kid on steroids to prevent rejection and one of their evil bastard kind calling their kid fat.

Friday, January 04, 2008

no longer the decency to be ashamed of loud children

used to be at least parents or grandparents were chagrined by their brats' behaviour. no longer.


Surprised the hell out of me.
Obama and Huckabee?
Its gonna be hillary and possibly Romney more likely Guiliani I think
and the dems will win this time around

not because of what they promise, but because of what the repubs failed to do- reduce govt- nope its bigger and more monolithis, and their turncoat on illegal immigration