Monday, March 07, 2011

hideous at&t invisible line commercial

the 'stupid man' / 'clueless dad' commercials irritate the hell out of me.
i would like this one to go by way of the dinosaur - idiot dad cannot find his internet cord- smart-ass daughter who should get a smack to the head says in the end 'its invisible' - ooohhhhh! I knew that.


Sunday, March 06, 2011

Charlie Sheen- leave him the hell alone

Seriously, the guy can do the job, carry the lines and he was making TPTB huge boxes of cash. And they cancel the rest of the season? WTF. Who cares what crazy thing he says in his off time or if he does lines of coke off his goddesses' fake boobs. Or if he's clean now just by the power of his mind or high on the drug 'charlie sheen'. who cares if he insults the producers- he's doing the job, he's highly rated, he's making you piles and piles of cash.