Tuesday, July 31, 2012

my new hero - 11 y/o catches plane manchester to rome

http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/07/25/11-year-old-catches-plane-from-manchester-to-rome-without-ticket-or-passport/?intcmp=obnetwork nope. not a security threat, unless he had smuggled a box-cutter aboard. anyone would assume he was with someone and they had his passport and ticket. gutsy kid. gonna be a real charmer talking his way in and out of anything.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

little nig getting an early start - 9 y/o beating toddlers at day care

its all good, we can call out our own when they behave this way and i'd say something derogatory about his race if he were a hispanic or white pot. and before you say oh all races blah blah blah.. you know this would be a shocker if if it was an asian 9 y/o beating up toddlers.. why do stereotypes exist? because they are generally true. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/25/mississippi-boy-caught-on-daycare-surveillance-video-beating-toddlers/?intcmp=trending Disturbing video from a Mississippi day care center shows a 9-year-old boy beating several much younger children, including an 11-month-old, whom he punches and bites. The frightening footage, taken at the Kiddie City Child Care Center in Vicksburg, shows the bully attacking the baby and then patting the boy on the back as it cries and adults come in to check on them. Throughout the video, the child can be seen waiting until day care workers aren’t looking to launch another attack. In another instance, the 9-year-old drop kicks a young girl to the floor while a day care worker is standing just a few feet away looking out the window. Minutes later, the boy picks up the girl and kicks her directly in the chest, knocking her to the ground. The boy appeared before a judge in youth court with his mother Tuesday. Because he is under 12, he does not face any criminal charges, and police say any punishment likely will be aimed at rehabilitation, not punishment. Vicksburg police arrested a day care worker, Sandra Trevillion, and charged her with two counts of contributing to the neglect of a minor. Trevillion, who has since been fired from the Kiddie City Child Care Center, is out on bond and scheduled to be in court on Monday. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/25/mississippi-boy-caught-on-daycare-surveillance-video-beating-toddlers/?intcmp=trending#ixzz223iZ7PxS gettin' in that practice for beating his baby momas and his kids and the guy who slapped the wrong kid who he'd thought had hurt his daughter(?), well, just a shame he slapped the wrong kid. because you know this little future repeated ward of the penal institution will never see punishment. just a lot of psychobabble, drugs, and feel good about yourself entitlement programs.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

our asshole govt - can't sell inherited stuffed eagle

http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/24/irs-art-collection-heirs-hope-to-settle-bizarre-tax-dispute-over-canyon-collage/ Federal law makes it a crime to possess, transport, sell or otherwise convey a bald eagle, whether it is alive or, as in this case, stuffed. Sonnabend got an informal waiver from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1981 that allowed her to keep the piece, considered a masterwork of 20th century art. (Rauschenberg got a waiver for the artwork by showing that the bird had been killed and stuffed long before the restriction was enacted.) Sonnabend died in 2007 at age 92. The estate tax, which at the time of Sonnabend's death stood at 50 percent on estates above $1 million, was suspended in 2010 as part of the Bush-era tax cuts, which were renewed and remain in effect until the end of this year. Placing a value on an item that cannot be sold is no easy feat. The venerable auction house Christie’s placed the value of "Canyon" at zero. The IRS initially put it at $15 million, then jumped the figure to $65 million when Sundell and Homem refused to pay, according to The New York Times. The IRS, which declined to comment on the matter, is not only asking for $29 million in taxes, but also an $11.7 million “gross valuation misstatement” penalty, according to Forbes. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/24/irs-art-collection-heirs-hope-to-settle-bizarre-tax-dispute-over-canyon-collage/?intcmp=trending#ixzz21wHAPKBZ ... uh huh. yeah. if you can't sell it, its worth zero. And the IRS (who collectively should should be dragged out of their homes and shot like rabid dogs) *punished* them by jumping up the from 15 to 65??? million?!? REALLY?!? It jumped 50 million in one shot? IRS= SCUM. Its unfair and its really unfair that the IRS has this much power.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Terrence Brown - first in the line of worthless opportunistic people

The bodies aren't even cold, the first victim not buried when this opportunistic little asshole decides he's won the lawsuit lottery and sues... who? Not the shooter, the actual guilty person, but the fucking theater, his doctors and fucking Warner Bros for Batman the Movie itself!!! God, I hope the they all fight and bend this entitled fucker over the courtroom table and rapes his ass three at a time. Damn shame HE didn't get shot. Like the theater was just supposed to know and do what? Strip search folks? Wait the shooter entered through the exit. Maybe have armed guards in every room in the theater. Maybe doctors should home visit every patient. Maybe all violent movies should be banned. God I have a visceral hatred of these fuckers who see a tragedy as a !chingchingchingchingchingching! opportunity for their own financial security. Hey fuckwad, you chose to go to a theater without what *you* considered proper security, to see a movie you now consider too violent, that could be attended by anyone, maybe you should sue yourself. You are 'sorta' like the passenger who chooses to get on a motorcycle with a drunk guy and sues the drunk guy refusing to hold any responsibility for your own action, oh wait, this is America, we don't have any personal responsibility anymore and everything is someone's fault, and if we can't sue the person directly responsible (ie the drunk guy), we can can sue the motorcycle manufacturer for not making them with breathalyzers built-in you have to pass to get it started. Asswipe. People like you are what's wrong in America. I actually hate you more than the gunman. He's nuts. What's your excuse.