Wednesday, November 28, 2012

remember when govt was trying to get rid of speed trap apps?

that lets you know it (the speed trap) wasn't about safety. what would you do if you KNEW you were coming across a speed trap? slow down of course. stated goal: safety, achieved. so why would the govt object to something that achieves the same goal? because its not their goal. its $$$ they get from tickets

Thursday, November 22, 2012

dr who robots of death

one of my faves, not just leela (one of the best companions) but the great mining ship interior sets, costumes,makeup, (except for the bicycle reflector dead android marker), attention to detail like bruising around Toos' neck from attempted strangulation- in what started out as a kids' show

Professor's Digital Eyewear

Steve Mann, who teaches engineering at the University of Toronto and designs his own high-tech eyegear, says he fled a McDonald’s (MCD) outlet on the Champs Élysées on July 1, after employees tried to knock the device off his head and tore up a note from his doctor explaining why he needed to wear it. His account of the incident, posted on his blog, includes photos of the alleged attack that Mann says were taken by the device’s built-in camera. “They were acting like lunatics,” Mann told Bloomberg Businessweek. ---------------- After reading the article, I still don't know whether he needed it as a visual aid or it was something else. I see where it can be useful though.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

fight 'em - just copy whatever and leave copies at work, restaurants, laundrtmats, libraries...

MAFIAA's 6 strikes graduated response plan goes into action today. Guide to fight the new system. (self.evolutionReddit) submitted 3 months ago* by EquanimousMindTeach The New Blood. Live For Freedom. So rumor is its finally happening: ISP 'Six Strikes' to Begin This Weekend: Throttling, Filters, 'Education' Warnings, and Fun! While it would have been good to stop, for now we need make sure everyone is aware how to counter act it. I actually think torrenting pirating is evil in a communist kind of way; but I also feel people's access to the internet is more important, that we shouldn't be monitored and I fully expect this to be implemented badly. Access to the internet is becoming a basic human right, something you need to maintain equality in social opportunity. It's unjust to break someone's internet access for what is still only a civil offence. The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. John Gilmore So the outfit is going to be called the Center for Copyright Infringement. There are 5 participating ISPs: AT&T Cablevision Comcast Time Warner Cable Verizon Sonic seems a decent alternative. Other than switching ISP, you have these counter strategies: Always use encrypted connections when torrenting, set your client to ONLY use encrypted connections (ssl for example (not actually ssl 1.0 please, TLS 2.0 or better). Which VPN Providers Really Take Anonymity Seriously? How To Make VPNs Even More Secure How to Always / Only Use VPN Connection and block ISP - Make Bittorrent only use VPN Connection /u/wittolboy recommended relakks Free Anonymous Usenet Downloading With Just a Web Browser OneSwarm: The Privacy Aware BitTorrent Client Extensive list of seedbox providers If you have interesting enough friends; Retroshare is an encrypted IM system that allows you to share files. VPS is another solution remix, share, w.e Keep Fighting the Good Fight Everyone!!