Monday, January 03, 2005

...If the military had to have a bake sale for bullets

I was reading the Courier last week and it had an AP piece from NYT. The gist was the Dems need to change their stance on Abortion as they lost the last one based on morals. Okayyy. except in the article, he admitted that most had pretty set views on one side or the other with a varying gyrations in the middle ground - ie OK in some circumstances and it wasn't a real voter topic.

In trying to figure out the voter choice they've hung their hat on 'morals', as if the only thing that represents is sexual. Its not. Both sides have morals about responsibility, the poor, warfare, social institutions, marriage, private and public.

Maybe its more to do with standing up to evil instead of trying to appease it?

I always remember "Wouldn't it be nice if the schools were fully funded and the military had to have a bake sale to buy xxxx" (armoured vehicles? bullets? protective jackets?

Every time the dems whine about the military lacking $$$, resources, or just plain numbers , I always remember Clinton's dismantling of the military and that little expression. That expression isn't associated with the Republican Party.


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