Monday, July 18, 2005

Improving/Worsening diabetes health news

I just love the media:
Diabetes care appears to be improving Result is fewer hospital visits, less kidney failure
The Associated Press
Updated: 5:03 p.m. ET June 12, 2005
SAN DIEGO - For years, public health officials have urged people to do simple things to manage their diabetes: Watch blood sugar levels, eat a healthy diet and exercise.
Their message, it turns out, appears to be working.
Diabetes out of control in U.S., study finds Survey cites poor management of blood sugar levels
Updated: 3:20 p.m. ET May 18, 2005...
“Diabetes management actually worsened in the past 10 years,” Dr. Jaime Davidson, a diabetes expert at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, told a news conference.
'We are not doing better'“We have the tools but we are not doing better.”

And we're supposed to trust these people without hesitation...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

time to clean house

for GB and the US that is...
toss 'em out. Britain has a huge immigrant muslim population that hates them and they bend over backward to be tolerant, give them a soapbox, etc. to the point that criticizing Islam or muslims is a crime. Sick and tired of the blame USA first, blame whitey, blame blah blah.
Hate America? leave. Want to celebrate your African pride? Do it in Africa. Want slave reparations? Sure, here's $50,000 and a one way ticket. I heard it best from a census call where they are trying to divy up the people into ethnic groups and foist disunity- She was peeved at the urge of the census bureau to classify her 'origin' and said, Why am I an Italian-American? I'm just an American period!" Good for her.

Who was it that called Americans putting flags on their cars haters? Bye-bye. Here's your reparation money and a one way ticket.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

vyrl- nam' the day - hairball

vyrl, viral? verl? odd name of day..

700gram hairball shape of a stomache. way cool. will post photos soon!

death penalty? why not for that child's molestor? If he'd been put to death years ago- an entire family might be alive. We need more death penalty, quickly enacted.

Friday, July 01, 2005

pet peeve at work- dumb ass names

'Donta' as in mom, donta name me this... (okay its most likely a short 'o' )
the brothers lemonjello and oranjello, accent on second syllable.

no deep thoughts except maybe instead of hiring valets and guides, and making managers chat up the people while they wait for blood draws, they ought to hire more phlebs. Or instead of 1 stat collector getting 3-4 stats, then come back down- hire another so its actually stat when it gets back down.