Monday, November 19, 2007

caving in to pain

gonna see the doc today- hesitate
you know all he's gonna see it fat female fucked up (depression) as cause of all problems + weight. and i'm gonna have to probably see him every month to jump through a hoop if he does give me pain meds
but a pal tossed me a soma and a lotab 10 starts with z- i felt so much better about 30 min. after the soma i could cry the twisting tugging back shoulder pain was dulled to a minor sensation, a few hrs later i took the lortab w/ b'fast- because lortabs make me nauseaous, and it was omigod so much better- i have'ne been pain free in months and months, even with taking a regimen of tylenol, iburofen every 4 hours to the point i am nauseaous from those. i've burnt my back from heating pads and rubbed a mark inbetween my should blade and spine although i'm sure some chiro will correct me on it
we'll see

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

rascally bastard advertisers

got this in the mail the other day- knew it was an advert but still look how deceptively it is packaged- as if something from social security ...

ends up being from an auto sales place... just wastin' my time

Monday, November 05, 2007

african americans of kentucky for morality and justice

atrotious commercial! not the subject matter (anti- steve bashear for his stance on homosexuality) - though that is a bit stupid- but the creepifyingly BAD 'reading' given by the two "actors"- MY GOD! are there no black voice actors in louisville who can 'read' realistically?

Friday, November 02, 2007

remember videotape/vcrs? mixtapes?

riaa, mpaa, etc. didn't go all sue happy then.
they didn't sue mary jo for making a mix tape for her boyfriend or best friend, or just friend friend
or recording a program and saving it on vhs
or recording it for another and carrying it to their house
or mailing it to them

remember the old mst3k- circulate the tapes- tapes being recorded, copied, and circulated

so whats the difference if its e-mailed?
but now they call it 'intellectual property' and call it a crime- even if you give it away

they are the real true criminals

they'd criminalize libraries if they could. only one reader per book. maybe only one read per book. if they could read thoughts they'd charge you a nickel every time you hummed a tune.